subota, 23. lipnja 2007. careful..

Where to go for a reliable health advice? People can go many places to get a health advice.
Going to the internet: With the internet the source for answers to a health question are only a click away. The problem, though, is many people rely too much on sources that may be unreliable for their health question answers. Before the internet became a household commodity, people only went to one source for their health questions – they doctor. Today, though, people are searching online and hitting online databases and message boards to get the health questions answered. This can spell trouble, though.
Going to the doctor:A doctor or other health care professional is the best source for an advice to a health question. They have the training and knowledge necessary to provide an answer. The answer a person gets from a health care professional can be trusted. They can feel secure with the answer and know that they can follow the advice without harming themselves.
The best source for the answer to a health question has been and always will be a medical professional.
When a person seeks answers to a health question from an unqualified source they are putting their health at risk. Getting advice from someone whose only knowledge may be form a personal experience or something they read somewhere is dangerous. There are many things that can go wrong. A person could take the advice and end up with an allergic reaction or prolonging treatment for a serious illness or injury. Taking this type of advice should lead to further illness or injury.
Luckily many health insurance plans now offer an on call burse that is available to answer health questions every day at any time. If a person has a health question they should consider picking up the phone before clicking on the internet


...finally!!! Henry in F.C. Barcelona. That is a great news. I hope that Samuel Et`o will stay... Imagine what force will that be!!

petak, 22. lipnja 2007.

making music

..if you are into making your own music than we have something in comon:-) I was doing this since I started playing the guitar, some 10 years ago. In the beginning I was mostly making heavy guitar riffs and songs made only of riffs. Over time i started to make much more complexe songs with diferent stiles of music mixed. So today it is mostly heavy riffs mixed with funky chords,yazz inprovizations,drum`n basse beats,electro samples...and so on. With touch of Tom morello inspired experimenting with guitar sounds and often usage of eastern scales and melodyes. No limits...since I dont like to devide music by stilles and hold on to just one stille while making or listening to the music. for me there is only music that I like or don`t like no mather what genre it is.

četvrtak, 21. lipnja 2007.

...I want holodeck

The original series of Star Trek (or Star Trek: TOS has fandom has renamed it) launched on NBC on September 8th 1966, that's 40 years ago this Friday. The show, which ran for a mere three seasons finished its run on June 3rd 1969 and has been in re-runs almost ever since.
It's popularity is such that 40 years after it started CBS are currently working on re-mastered versions of some of the original episodes complete with new CGI for release into syndication again.
But Star Trek is a lot more than just a science fiction show that has stood the test of time. It's more even than the start of a popular franchise. Star Trek represents the entrance of science fiction into popular culture.
Star Trek was far from the first sci-fi show on tv and if you trace these things back, there were many pulp serials in the cinema along the lines of Flash Gordon which had some or many sci-fi elements. But Star Trek was different. For one thing it treated the source material with more reverence. I can't claim that all the science fiction in Star Trek was good (some of it was plain bad), but some of it was very good and much of it was based on established science fiction concepts.
The eventual success of Star Trek paved the way for a television landscape where science fiction shows routinely turn up on network tv.
Memories of Star Trek
Star Trek has never ranked in my personal top 5 of sci-fi shows. Perhaps that's because I'm from the UK and our own sci-fi shows usually got better tv slots. However I do have some vivid memories from my childhood of watching episodes. Scenes from The Doomsday Machine episode are still burned into my mind 20+ years later.
I can claim to have watched episodes of every series of Star Trek, including the entire runs of The Original Series and The Next Generation. It wasn't until the later shows that my interest in the series really diminished. Perhaps it was the lack of originality, maybe it was just too much too close together, but by the time that Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise arrived on the scene, I rarely tuned in.
The Future of Star Trek
Now, as the 40th anniversary of Star Trek arrives, there is no Star Trek on tv for the first time in over a decade and no sign of one in the near future. But this certainly isn't the end for Star Trek. Rumors continue to swirl over the proposed Star Trek XI movie which currently has J. J. Abrams (Lost) attached as a producer.
Will this movie trigger a Star Trek revival? Probably not, the movie is heavily rumored to be a prequel of some sort to the original Star Trek series. While this has a lot of potential for drawing in the more casual Trek audience, it doesn't leave many opportunities to move the franchise in a new direction.
For the moment it seems that Trek has written itself into a corner and until someone can come up with a new vision for the franchise it is probably best that it stays off tv. It won't be gone for ever of that I'm sure. Star Trek has lasted 40 years, it's not likely to die now.

stop smoking

We are all aware of how smoking can affect our daily lives especially our health. But it seems to bother smokers very little. Many smokers are well educated these days about how smoking could affect their health but they do not tend to worry about it because what they are after is the benefit of smoking. I find that selfish – especially as it can adversely affect mine and my family's health.
So why do people smoke? More and more people are aware of the health concerns – including the effects of passive smoking. Yet, people still do it in large numbers.
I guess teens tend to smoke to appear more mature - they see older people who smoke. I never really understand this. Peer pressure can be a cause also because one tends to smoke to be accepted and be with friends who smoke. Other than that, they are in the stage of experimentation.
For adults, one reason why people smoke is to help them relieve stress and pressures. Pressures commonly come from work and this may be a reason why we see many people smoke in smoking areas of any establishment. Financial reasons and poor marriages or relationships can be a reason too for adults smoking. Yet, isn't that just a sign of weakness? Smoking will not help any of these situations – in fact it could make it worse.
It takes guts before one can successfully give up the smoker’s life. Even though many people say that there are benefits, it is still unhealthy and often fatal.

ford car

Fiesta, one of the oldest cars of Ford, has recently celebrated its 30 years survival in the automotive industry. The very first Fiesta went on sale in the year 1976. Since then, Ford Fiesta parts have employed modifications to augment the performance and style of the vehicle. This is the reason why the Fiesta that is known today is different in many ways from the original model. Nonetheless, it shares many essential attributes.
The freshest Fiesta has grown in size to accommodate the growing loading needs and roominess of the car. Another modification made to Fiesta is its interior. The latter was made more vivacious, bright and trendy. This is to create a stylish and fresh Fiesta on its 30th year. Optional capabilities incorporated in the vehicle include the plugging of an MP3 player into its audio system or the Bluetooth control.
"Fiesta's birthday gives us the opportunity to celebrate three decades of change," said John Fleming, President and CEO of Ford of Europe. "Fiesta represented change when it came on the automotive scene, and while it has moved with the times and fashions over the years, it has remained steadfast in its dedication to providing economical, practical and dependable transportation for people of all ages. That mission is just as relevant today as it was in 1976,” Fleming added.
On its 30th year, Fiesta is keeping up with its rocketing momentum. As of 2005, the enhanced version of Fiesta has accumulated 358,931 sales, so far Fiesta’s best sales year. In the following year, between January and June, 205,200 units were sold. This figure is 10 percent greater than the first half of 2005. In its 30 years of survival, Ford has delivered approximately 12 million Fiestas into customers. This year, Ford is aiming more sales momentum. Further, Ford is also looking ahead to the maxim “life begins at 40”.


Ronaldinho was born into a family of football addicts, living in a wooden house in the heart of a favela. His father, Joao da Silva Moreira who played for an amateur club made ends meet by by working as a car park attendant at Gremio Football Club. His brother Roberto was a great hope for the club but then his career was unfortunately ended by a terrible knee injury.
At the age of 8, tregedy struck as Ronaldinho's father drowned in a swiming pool at a villa provided by Gremio for Roberto. Following in the footsteps of his brother Ronnie then joined the Gremio's footballing school and wowed everyone there. He made it into the first team in 1997 and was being heralded as one of the best young hopes in Brazilan football. Meanwhile, he was already making the breakthrough with the national squad, and his six goals were fundamental in Brazil's Copa America triumph in 1999.
In 2001, Ronaldinho moved on to PSG where he became a fan's favourite with his tremendous flair and excting style of football - also contributing tremendous amounts of goals. However his employer's still weren't happy with his atitude and looked ot get rid of him. Of course, he continued to shine in the international arena. His finest hour came at the 2002 World Cup in Japan and Korea, where he was a key member of the side that won Brazil's record fifth world title - scoring in the quarter final and playing an integral role in midfield in the final.
Ronaldinho then moved to Barcelona - arguably the biggest club in the world - for what now seems a bargain at £21,000,000. When he arrived, he said that his desire was to bring as much success to the club as so many Brazilians had done before him, such as Evaristo, Ronaldo, Romario and Rivaldo. Having won the World Footballer of the Year title it seems he has now fulfilled that desire.