četvrtak, 21. lipnja 2007.

stop smoking

We are all aware of how smoking can affect our daily lives especially our health. But it seems to bother smokers very little. Many smokers are well educated these days about how smoking could affect their health but they do not tend to worry about it because what they are after is the benefit of smoking. I find that selfish – especially as it can adversely affect mine and my family's health.
So why do people smoke? More and more people are aware of the health concerns – including the effects of passive smoking. Yet, people still do it in large numbers.
I guess teens tend to smoke to appear more mature - they see older people who smoke. I never really understand this. Peer pressure can be a cause also because one tends to smoke to be accepted and be with friends who smoke. Other than that, they are in the stage of experimentation.
For adults, one reason why people smoke is to help them relieve stress and pressures. Pressures commonly come from work and this may be a reason why we see many people smoke in smoking areas of any establishment. Financial reasons and poor marriages or relationships can be a reason too for adults smoking. Yet, isn't that just a sign of weakness? Smoking will not help any of these situations – in fact it could make it worse.
It takes guts before one can successfully give up the smoker’s life. Even though many people say that there are benefits, it is still unhealthy and often fatal.

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